Yellow Bass | A Vibrant Fish to Know

Yellow Bass, known for their striking yellowish color and bold horizontal stripes, are a small but fascinating freshwater fish species. This guide provides essential information about their characteristics, behavior, and identification, making it easy to recognize them in the wild.

Yellow Bass in the wild
Yellow Bass in the wild

Basic Info

  1. Common Name: Yellow Bass
  2. Scientific Name: Morone mississippiensis
  3. Group Name: Perciformes (Perch-like fishes)
  4. Average Life Span In The Wild: 10-12 years
  5. Size: Can grow up to 2 feet (61 cm) in length.
  6. Weight: Can weigh up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg).


Yellow Bass are schooling fish, meaning they tend to swim in groups. This behavior is particularly evident during the spawning season, which occurs in the spring. They are primarily active during the day, feeding on a diet that consists of small fish, insects, and crustaceans. Yellow Bass are known for their aggressive feeding habits, often seen chasing their prey with speed and agility.

How to Identify

Yellow Bass are distinguishable by their distinctive coloring and body shape. Their bodies are primarily yellowish or silvery, with dark horizontal stripes running along their sides. These stripes, typically six to eight in number, extend from the gill cover to the tail. The dorsal fin of the Yellow Bass is split into two parts: the first section is spiny, while the second is soft, giving the fin a slightly arched appearance. The belly of the Yellow Bass is usually white or pale yellow.Another identifying feature of the Yellow Bass is its relatively deep and compressed body, which gives it a somewhat oval shape when viewed from the side. The mouth is moderately large, with the upper jaw extending just past the front edge of the eye. Their eyes are often bright, with a noticeable golden hue that adds to their striking appearance.

Some pictures of Yellow Bass

Yellow Bass in the wild