Spotted Bass | A Freshwater Fish Profile

The Spotted Bass is a popular freshwater fish known for its distinctive spots and aggressive behavior. Common in North America, this species is a favorite among anglers. In this guide, we’ll explore the key features, behavior, and identification tips for Spotted Bass.

Spotted Bass in the wild
Spotted Bass in the wild

Basic Information

  1. Common Name: Spotted Bass
  2. Scientific Name: Micropterus punctulatus
  3. Group Name: Perciformes
  4. Average Life Span in the Wild: 10-12 years
  5. Size: 12-24 inches (30-61 cm)
  6. Weight: 1-5 pounds (0.5-2.3 kg)


Spotted bass are aggressive predators that primarily feed on smaller fish, such as shad, minnows, and bluegill. They are known for their territorial nature, especially during spawning season. Spotted bass are often found in deep, cool waters near structure, such as submerged trees or rocks.

How to Identify

  1. Body Shape: Spotted bass have a fusiform body shape, meaning it is streamlined for fast swimming.
  2. Coloration: The overall color of a spotted bass can vary depending on its age and habitat. However, they typically have a dark brown or olive-green back with a lighter belly.
  3. Spots: As their name suggests, spotted bass have numerous small dark spots scattered across their sides.
  4. Mouth: The mouth of a spotted bass is large and extends to the front of the eye.
  5. Fins: The dorsal fin is composed of two separate sections, a spiny anterior section and a soft posterior section. The caudal fin is deeply forked.

Some pictures of Spotted Bass

Spotted Bass in the wild