Brown Trout | A Freshwater Fish

Brown trout are a widely recognized and admired fish species known for their distinctive appearance and adaptability. Found in various freshwater habitats, they are popular among anglers and nature enthusiasts for their unique behavior and striking coloration.

Brown Trout in the wild
Brown Trout in the wild

Basic Info

  1. Common Name: Brown Trout 
  2. Scientific Name: Salmo trutta 
  3. Group Name: Salmonidae (salmon family) 
  4. Average Life Span In The Wild: 5-10 years 
  5. Size: Can grow up to 40 inches (100 cm) 
  6. Weight: Can weigh up to 30 pounds (14 kg)


  1. Brown trout are known for their solitary and territorial behavior. They are primarily active during dawn and dusk, engaging in feeding and other activities during these times. Their diet consists of a wide range of prey, including insects, crustaceans, small fish, and even small mammals or amphibians in some cases.
  2. Brown trout are also known for their migratory behavior. Some populations are resident, staying in the same area throughout their lives, while others are anadromous, migrating to the ocean or large lakes before returning to freshwater to spawn. The latter are often referred to as sea trout.

How to Identify

Brown trout can be identified by several key characteristics:

  1. Coloration: They have a distinctive brown or olive-green coloration with dark spots and a pink or orange stripe running along their sides.
  2. Shape: Brown trout have a streamlined body shape with a large, forked tail.
  3. Size: As noted above, they can grow to a significant size, but their average size is smaller than other members of the salmon family.

When identifying brown trout, it’s essential to note that their coloration can change based on their environment. For instance, those living in clear, fast-flowing streams might be more vibrantly colored, while those in murky or slow-moving waters may have a duller appearance.

Some pictures of Brown Trout

Brown Trout in the wild